Products/Services for Shear Rings Piers

    Piers and Docks - (38 companies)
    Piers and docks are structural walk paths over water. The lighter structure of piers and docks allows tides and currents to flow almost unhindered, whereas the more solid foundations of a quay or closely-spaced piles of a wharf can act...
  • O-rings-Image
    O-rings - (741 companies)
    O-rings are solid-rubber seals that are shaped like a doughnut. When pressed between two mating surfaces, O-rings block the passage of liquids or gases. O-rings are solid-rubber seals that are shaped like a doughnut. When pressed between two mating...
  • Slip Rings-Image
    Slip Rings - (115 companies)
    Slip rings are metal rings that provide a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contacts. They are generally mounted on the rotating part of a machine. The electrical connection can be via wiping contacts, mercury, infrared...
    Longwall Shearers - (16 companies)
    Longwall shearers cut away the face of a coal seam in longwall mining operations by mounting over an armored face conveyor. Longwall shearers cut away the face of a coal seam in longwall mining operations by mounting over an armored face conveyor...
  • Retaining Rings and Snap Rings-Image
    Retaining Rings and Snap Rings - (280 companies)
    ...for internal rings. The maximum thrust load - Also called the ring shear. Common materials of construction for retaining rings and snap rings include: Beryllium copper - Chosen when the ring is required to conduct electricity. Spring steel - The most...
    Piston Rings - (112 companies)
    Piston rings are used for sealing cylinders. They can work at higher temperatures than elastomeric, fabric, or polymer seals. Description. Piston rings are used for sealing cylinders. They can work at higher temperatures than elastomeric, fabric...
    Rolled Rings - (41 companies)
    ...or very heavy rings. The rolled ring forging process involves upsetting to produce the initial disc shape, piercing and shearing the disc shape to form a donut preform, then forming the preform into the rolled ring shape with a mandrel and cones...
    Ring Gages - (115 companies)
    Ring gages are used for go / no-go assessment compared to the specified dimensional tolerances or attributes of pins, shafts, or threaded studs. Ring gages are used for go/no-go assessment compared to the specified dimensional tolerances...
    Hoist Rings - (120 companies)
    Hoist rings are load-centering eyebolts. They are designed to be rigged from the center or the side and may pivot or swivel. Some hoist rings connect directly to webbing, chain, or shackles. Others have a hook-end rather than a standard bail, eye...
    Solid Elastomeric Rings - (112 companies)
    Solid elastomeric rings are compression seals of differing cross sections. Some examples are X or multiple rings, rectangular rings, tetraseals, trapezoid rings, T-section rings, delta rings, D-rings, H-rings, heart rings, and diamond rings. Solid...

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  • Study on the seismic performance of a double spherical seismic isolation bearing
    Acomparisonbetweentheresults of schemes 1 and 2 reveals that the horizontal shear force suffered by the pier with fixed bearings decreases 90% if the DSSI bearings with steel rings are used, which is very beneficial to the design of the pier with fixed …
  • The first statics of the world 260 years ago
    The resistance W counteracting to the thrust H sits down together on the … … manner determined resistance of the masses of the tambour and the buttresses against tilting on the … … hand of the resistance of existing ferrous rings ; becomes it of its …
  • Earthquake Engineering: Application to Design
    … zones 3 and 4, 193 Reversals of magnitude, 351 Reversible earthquake forces, 142 R factor, 34 Rigid joint, 348 Ring foundation, 216 S Sabol … … readings, 51, 338, 345 Shear and compression, 45 and … … split, 105 Shear wall pier , 244 Shearing resistance, see …
  • Hydraulic Structures
    … into abutment rocks, to enlarge the resistant rock mass downstream of the arch rings ; • Adjusting the … In this way to increase the normal forces and to decrease the shear forces on the potential slip surfaces; • Flair abutments or installing thrust piers , at the upper elevations of the valley where the bearing capacity of rocks is not sufficient.
  • Seismic performance of l‐shaped rc shear wall subjected to cyclic loading
    Dong-Sheng H, Wen- Rang C, Fei P. 2005. Low-cycle loading experiment study on symmetric double short- pier shear walls.
  • Consideration of modelling uncertainties in the seismic assessment of masonry buildings by equivalent-frame approach
    … resisting elements which may be present in parallel (e.g. steel tie-rods or RC ring beams). The option represented by the storey mechanism (or ‘‘ shear ’’) model (Tomazˇevicˇ 1987), in which the rotations at both ends of the pier are restrained, was not considered, since in .
  • Seismic assessment of existing and strengthened stone-masonry buildings: critical issues and possible strategies
    … reinforcement of the collaborating slab at the floor level (left) and of the top ring beam (right Fig. 15 Final cracking pattern in the second building specimen, strengthened with improved connections (Magenes et al. 2014): shear failure of the long pier in one of the longitudinal walls at the ground storey (right .
  • That 200 m natural train cooling tower Niederaussem of heavy-duty concrete
    Thereby, radial pillars became the resolved ring foundation with outlet building by the shell and the flatly acting floor stiffnesses in the total model take into account what required a total number of 50919 degrees of freedom (image 8). The calculated ring forces n11, meridian forces n22 and thrust forces n12 of the bearing case own …
  • WNGlosses (\
    … photostat_machine_N|1 depress_V|12 tensile_strength_N|3 sentinel_N|2 picket_N|7 cucumber_N|16 pickle_V|17 tailboard_N|1 dressy_J|1 overlook_V|9 occasional_J|1 supporting_structure_N|9 saint_lawrence_river_N|8 pier _glass_N|1 block_of_metal_N|1 coin_bank_N|1 … … automobile_tire_N|5 remold_V|2 tread_N|2 entrenchment_N|1 electric_typewriter_N|1 carriage_return_N|2 line_feed_N|1 turn_back_V|8 orthogonal_J|2 equalize_V|3 antiviral_agent_N|1 virazole_N|1 virus_infection_N|1 groined_vault_N|1 rib_V|2 rice_V|1 sieve_N|6 lifeline_N|1 drop_anchor_V|1 riding_habit_N|1 power_mower_N|1 rifadin_N|1 rimactane_N|1 rifled_J|1 butt_end_N|2 sable_brush_N|1 circlet_N|1 wrestling_ ring _N|1 roller_skating_N|2 roller_skate_N|3 rioter_N|2 … … finishing_coat_N|3 chicago_N|5 safety_belt_N|1 pruning_ shears _N|1 odorless_J|22 seconal_N|1 primary_coil_N|1 …
  • Partial failure of a raw washing coal bunker, causes, and conclusions
    The collapse of the wall pillars itself represented itself as thrust train fraction, by that the already snapped at the construction time very weakly dimensioned stirrup after corresponding predamage. … the not busy flexural train reinforcing as well as the upper, acting as ring tie beam edge …

Product Announcements
Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co., Ltd.
Federal Signal Corporation - Industrial Signaling and Systems
Federal Signal Corporation - Industrial Signaling and Systems