Products/Services for Spherical Honing

  • Honing Services-Image
    Honing Services - (42 companies)
    ...honing, internal honing, flat honing, bore honing, and spherical honing. There are three choices for surface geometry: inner diameter (ID), outer diameter (OD), and flat surfaces. With metal tubes, cylinders, and other hollow circular objects, either...
  • Honing, Lapping, and Super-finishing Machines-Image
    Honing, Lapping, and Super-finishing Machines - (129 companies)
    Honing, lapping and super-finishing equipment improve surface finish or geometry to tight tolerances. Honing, lapping and superfinishing equipment improve surface finish or geometry to tight tolerances. Honing, lapping and superfinishing...
    Tool Grinders and Sharpeners - (43 companies)
    Tool grinders and sharpening machines are specialized for tool, die, punch, cutter, blade and drill point sharpening, grinding, honing, finishing, resharpening, refinishing or regrinding. Tool grinders and sharpening machines are versatile...
  • Hones and Honing Tools-Image
    Hones and Honing Tools - (137 companies)
    Hones and honing tools are abrasive products used to refine the finish of internal bores and external surfaces. There are three basic types: flexible hones, hand hones, and honing sticks or tools. Types of Hones and Honing Tools. Flexible hones have...
  • Spherical Plain Bearings-Image
    Spherical Plain Bearings - (211 companies)
    Spherical plain bearings accommodate wide-ranging angular misalignment with a ball-and-socket type design. They are frequently used in linkages and control rod applications. Spherical plain bearings are used to accommodate shafts or rods...
    Spherical Mirrors - (48 companies)
    Spherical mirrors are curved so that reflected beams converge on a focal point. Important parameters to consider when searching for spherical mirrors include diameter, radius of curvature, thickness, and focal length. The diameter of the mirror...
    Spherical Roller Bearings - (273 companies)
    Spherical roller bearings are self-aligning bearings ideal for heavy-duty radial and axial loads. They utilize dual roller rows between a concave outer raceway and convex inner raceway to accommodate shaft deflection. Spherical roller bearings...
    Spherical Lenses - (165 companies)
    Spherical lenses, also known as singlets, are transparent optical components consisting of one or more pieces of optical glass with surfaces so curved that they serve to converge or diverge the transmitted rays from an object, thus forming a real...
    Abrasive Compounds and Abrasive Slurries - (282 companies)
    ...compounds are also available. Applications. Abrasive compounds and abrasive slurries may be specific to a particular machine or type of machine. For example, honing machines use specific abrasives to correct the geometry and alignment of machined holes...
    Grinders and Grinding Machines - (990 companies)
    ...and electronics. They are also used in: Cleaning and surface preparation. Deburring and deflashing. Tool and die sharpening. Construction. Maintenance and repair (MRO). Honing, lapping, and superfinishing equipment such as wafer planarization...

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