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Conduct Research Top

  • Making UHV Seals
    All vacuum seals, regardless of the shape of the seal or the materials used, have a common configuration - two flanges facing each other with a gasket in-between and held together by a clamp or bolts. The shape of the flanges is the primary definition of the type of flange.
  • PI HV / UHV Motorized Stages: Vacuum-Compatible Positioning Solutions
    In order to maintain precision and reliability- the two key factors to the success of industrial processing - motion and positioning equipment has to be designed accordingly. These properties are entwined in ongoing quality assurance and process control. Reliability is key for any industrial
  • The Power of PicoQ (R): No Performance Loss in Vacuum
    Read about the comparison of PicoQ (R) sensor technology to capacitive sensors operating in UHV
  • e-Vap 100 System
    e-Vap 100 is a precision monolayer deposition source employed for evaporative coatings in UHV applications. Its unique design uses an electron beam power source for thermionic emission and pinpoint electrostatic focusing of an electron beam onto a 1-millimeter diameter wire. The wire being
  • Piezo-Based, Long-Travel Actuators For Special Environmental Conditions
    New developments in the semiconductor industry and in the research areas of materials and life sciences are leading to greater and greater need for nanopositioning devices. Many applications like semiconductor testing require devices for UHV, helium atmospheres and with no magnetic materials
  • What Is A Vented Screw And Why Would You Need One?
    vacuum systems and enable faster, more efficient pump-down of HV, UHV, and EUV systems. These components allow the quick evacuation of trapped pockets of air and surface contaminants from blind-tapped holes.
  • Advantages of Linear Encoders Over Rotary Encoders
    and absolute devices. Furthermore, it is enriched with solutions that are dedicated to specific applications such as lateral reading sensors, sensors for toothed wheels and racks, sensors for UHV installations. Among the most widely used models are SME53 and SME54 incremental linear encoders and SMA2 absolute

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