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Sensors and instruments used to detect rotary position, angular position, tilt, or inclination relative to the horizon or a linear position.
Orientation Position Sensing Categories

Altimeters (20 suppliers)

Altimeters are instruments that determine altitude above ground or sea level by interpreting measurements of atmospheric pressure, radar, or GPS signals.

Compasses (53 suppliers)

Compasses are navigational instruments that determine direction relative to Earth’s magnetic poles.

Gyroscopes (79 suppliers)

Gyroscopes are designed to measure angular rate or orientation about a given directional vector.

Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) (49 suppliers)

Inertial measurement units (IMUs) determine location via integrated gyroscopes and accelerometers that detect the distance and direction traveled over a period of time.

Inertial Navigation Systems (80 suppliers)

Inertial navigation systems use a combination of accelerometers and angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) to detect altitude, location, and motion. They may also be capable of detecting attitude, position, velocity, temperature, or magnetic field.

Motion Reference Units (MRU) (15 suppliers)

Motion reference Units (MRU) is a solid state motion reference device capable of measuring pitch, roll, heave, and heading to a high degree of accuracy

Tilt Sensors (153 suppliers)

Tilt sensors measure tilt angle with reference to the earth’s ground plane.

Tilt Switches (51 suppliers)

Tilt Switches are electric switches in which an electrical circuit is made by mercury or other device flowing or moving into a gap when the device tilts to a pre-specified angle.


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