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Chapter 14: Practices, Tools, and Techniques for Long-Term Survival


How often do you hear He s a survivor or She s a survivor? Usually the implication, or perhaps wishful thought, of the observer is more of a snide remark about the survivor s perceived political connections and less of a true indication of their professional abilities. Setting aside the political aspects and focusing on professional abilities, just what is meant by survival and what are the basic ingredients?

First of all, survival as used in this chapter means continuing to exist, grow, and prosper professionally in the context of changing circumstances and surroundings. Well-behaved people who understand the importance of and practice a balanced personal life also find surviving at work far less stressful than those who don t. In this chapter we ll stick to the professional side. In a nutshell, surviving long-term requires interest and effort inside and outside of one s organization.

Inside the organization, it s relationships and responses that count. Being or becoming a source of knowledge about commercially available communications products and services that can enable or help a department manager to meet internal business goals and outside competitive pressures is valuable beyond the normal dayto-day voice and data network support. Understanding the strategic implications of a merger or acquisition, regardless of whether your organization is the target or takeover, can help you be in the right place at the right time, and more importantly, doing the right things. If things don t work to your satisfaction and it becomes time to move on, you are better prepared...


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