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Conduct Research Top

  • Air-Coupled Acoustics: Sound PAT for Tablet Characterization
    By Ilgaz Akseli and Cetin Cetinkaya, Clarkson University Only the results of four tablets with measured coating thicknesses of 135.1 um, 136.1 um, 135.8 um, 136.2 um are presented here. The proposed non-contact/non-destructive experimental set-up incorporates a square pulser/receiver
  • Application Considerations in Specifying High Frequency Ultrasonic Transducers
    , and attenuation effects in water paths and test materials. Pulser/receiver design and setup also have a major effect on performance, as does cable length. Knowledge of how these factors interact and how they will affect echo response from typical test targets is important for optimizing resolution
  • Smart Computing Article - Basic Troubleshooting- Keyboards
    provides the keyboard power and relays electrical signals between the keyboard and computer. Wireless keyboards typically use battery power and a receiver that you connect to the computer for communicating, usually via RF (radio frequency) or Bluetooth technology. Inside a keyboard, a built-in
  • IR Remote Control Transmitter
    , a col. It uses a 14-bit transmission consisting of 2 start receiver, and a protocol for how to communicate bits, a toggle bit, 5 address bits, and 6 data bits. This between them. The transmitter sends pulses through 14-bit transmission forms a packet and is repeated an infrared LED. These pulses
  • Fiber Optic Antenna Link OFW-5800 GPS
    be strategically located throughout the topside superstructure and antenna mast areas, and a four (4) channel Fiber Optic (FO) to RF receiver unit, that can be located in the below deck navigation space (IC/GYRO Room). The headend units and the receiver module are interconnected using shipboard fiber optic
  • Engineer's Assistant Using a PIC16F84A
    This compact instrument is intended to be a digital laboratory tool for hardware and, in some cases, software debugging. It contains four instruments in one unit: logic probe, single channel logic state analyzer, frequency counter and serial code receiver. The only chip used is a PIC16F84A running
  • Decoding an Infrared Remote Using a PIC16C5X Microcontroller
    be easily handled by PIC16C5X microcontrollers. This application note describes how this decoding may be done. The only mandatory hardware for decoding IR signals is an infrared receiver. The use of two types is described here. Both are modular types used often by the consumer electronics industry
  • The Types of Broadband Connections for Internet and Their Pros and Cons
    to the Internet and talk on the phone at the same time. One disadvantage with DSL is the inconsistency of Internet speed. The distance to the provider can determine the strength of your connection. Fiber Optics. Fiber optic cables are used to transmit light pulses, generated by a laser source, along

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