Products/Services for 55 Gallon Drum Wind Turbines

  • Wind Turbines-Image
    Wind Turbines - (269 companies)
    Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy from wind into mechanical energy. When used with an electrical generator, the rotation of the wind turbine’s blades turns a shaft to produce electricity. There are two basic types of wind turbines...
    Blades (wind turbine) - (19 companies)
    Wind turbine blades are air-foil shaped blades that harness wind energy and drive the rotor of a wind turbine. Wind turbine blades are airfoil-shaped blades that harness wind energy and drive the rotor of a wind turbine. The airfoil-shaped-design...
  • Dumpers, Tilters, and Inverters-Image
    Dumpers, Tilters, and Inverters - (332 companies)
    Dumpers, tilters and inverters are used to reposition or empty material handling containers. Dumpers and tilters empty containers (boxes, drums, bins, etc.) by tilting them to allow materials to pour out below. Inverters (upenders) take a container...
  • Drum Heaters-Image
    Drum Heaters - (89 companies)
    Drum heaters are used to heat containers of viscous materials. They can be wrapped around or placed inside containers that hold substances such as wax or grease. Drum heaters are used to heat containers of viscous materials, like substances...
  • Vacuum Cleaners-Image
    Vacuum Cleaners - (327 companies)
    Turbine pumps are centrifugal pumps which generate pump pressure by using an impeller to apply centrifugal force to a moving media. They use turbine-like impellers with radially orientated teeth. Turbine pumps have high discharge pressures similar...
    Drum Pumps - (258 companies)
    Drum pumps are used to transfer materials from a container into a process or other container. They may be electrically, hydraulically, or pneumatically powered depending on the working environment or application. Drum pumps, also called barrel pumps...
    Turbine Repair and Maintenance Services - (113 companies)
    Turbine repair and maintenance services provide maintenance, overhauls and repairs to wind, gas, steam and water turbines. Turbine repair and maintenance services provide maintenance, overhauls, and repairs to wind, gas, steam, and water turbines...
    Scales and Balances - (941 companies)
    Local gravity -- Readouts can change +-.05% depending upon the global location in which the object is measured. Air currents -- Drafts and wind can affect the readouts of very sensitive scales, and in laboratories a draft shield is recommended. Moisture...
    Turbine Pumps - (250 companies)
    Turbine pumps are centrifugal pumps that use pressure in combination with a rotary mechanism to transfer fluid. They typically employ blade geometry, which causes fluid circulation around the vanes to add pressure from inlet to outlet. Turbine pumps...
    Hydro Turbines - (55 companies)
    Hydro turbines are used to transmit mechanical power and produce electricity. Hydro turbines convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power that can be used to drive an electricity generator, grind a mill, or move some other device. Hydro...

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    Restarting problems with direct shaft speed linkage Turbine blades require careful design Blades must be balanced carefully High cost High technology carefully made propellors 7 mph minimum wind vel- ocity for energy output. .... - 55 . .... gallon oil drum .
  • CR4 - Thread: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Built Like a Squirrel Cage Fan
    Re: Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Built Like a Squirrel Cage Fan. .... I love the 55 gallon drum concept for a cage.
  • CR4 - Blog Entry: Vertical-axis wind turbine spins into business
    Re: Vertical-axis wind turbine spins into business. .... I've seen more than a few of these made from 55 - gallon drums over the years.
  • On-sun test results from second-generation and advanced-concepts alkali-metal pool-boiler receivers
    It was later discovered that the cause was a foreign object lodged in the turbine meter inlet. .... The actual flow rate was determined without stopping the test, using a 55 - gallon drum , a scale, and a stop watch. .... The winds averaged 3.0 miles per hour (mph) with a standard deviation of 1.0 mph…
  • CR4 - Thread: Wind Turbine
    Savonius VAWT 2 stage oil drum wind turbine . .... I chopped up two old 55 gallon drums to remove the ribs.
  • Federal Register > Friday, August 30, 1996 > [61 FR 45989] Notice of Permits Issued Under the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978
    After checking the winds at the Pole and making a flight at 500 feet for altimeter calibration .... The AN-74 will store fuel internally as well as in the metric version of 55 gallon drums within its cargo hold. .... will be limited to that consumed by the drive sections of the propulsion turbines of the aircraft.
  • Design for dissemination of a low cost washing machine
    A simple construction can use a shortened 55 gallon drum , since the inner drum is sized to properly inside a standard 22" diameter barrel. .... At the other extreme of complexity and cost is a small electric motor, which could be powered by the grid where it is available and affordable, or by a bank of batteries charged by a wind turbine or solar array.
  • Optimization of a Savonius Rotor Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine for Use in Water Pumping Systems in Rural Honduras
    The two stage rotor was made of two 55 gallon oil barrels cut in half, with each half displaced from each other and bolted to a piece of plywood. .... Fig. 6 shows several common wind turbine configurations and the their associated non-dimensional power v. speed curves. .... The brake drum (i) is on the left.
  • History of Shock Waves, Explosions and Impact
    Characteristic variable 255 Charge coupled device (CCD) 707, 791 Charpy impact test 97, 427 Chemical changes of explosives 1037 Chemical elements, primeval thermonuclear explosion 568 Chemical evolution 55 Chemical harmonica hypothesis, Faraday … 1137 photochronograph 416 rotating- drum 337 Sébert 125 Siemens … Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis) 679 David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB), hypersonic wind tunnel 645 Davies .... Fission-fusion-fission 651 Five- gallon -can blast pressure gauges 354 Fixed air (carbon dioxide) 1056 Flakes … 512 Gas globe oscillation 349 Gas laws for adiabatic compression, POISSON 285 Gas turbines 1038, 1131, 1138…
  • Coal-Fired Power Generation Handbook
    …flow rate in a 500 MW coal-fired power plant is about 6,000 gallons per minute. .... water plus makeup water flows through feed-water heaters heated with steam extracted from the steam turbines . .... The steam vapor rises into the steam drum , where it is accumulated. .... up the stack (typically 10 percent) or is discharged with the condenser cooling water (typically 55 percent). .... generator is mounted at one end of the turbine shaft and consists of carefully wound wire coils.

Product Announcements
Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
Zhuhai Jinwo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Jinwo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.