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Products/Services for Burn Pit Flare Tips

    Gas Flares - (30 companies)
    ...prevent gas processing equipment from becoming over-pressurized. During an emergency, gas flares, or flare stacks, can also help to burn out the total reserve gas. Types of Gas Flares. There are many different types of gas flares. Examples include...
  • Pipettes and Tips-Image
    Pipettes and Tips - (322 companies)
    Pipettes and tips are used to deliver a known quantity of solution to a vessel. They are either of the classical style (glass) or digital. Pipettes and tips are used for accurate liquid handling in many lab applications. They are either...
  • Burn-in Test Equipment-Image
    Burn-in Test Equipment - (36 companies)
    Burn-in test equipment uses elevated voltages, temperatures and power cycling to evaluate high power chips, boards or products. The burn-in process accelerates failures normally seen as "infant mortality " in a device. Burn-in test equipment uses...
  • Burners-Image
    Burners - (270 companies)
    ...efficient flame. Premix burners use a machined mixing-set and forced air from a blower or compressor. Open premix burners use a steel or cast iron retention-tip. Sealed premix burners use a return intake (RI) castable tunnel or a multi-port (MP) tip...
    Tube End Forming Machines - (112 companies)
    Tube end forming machines are used to perform various operations on the end of a tube, including end reduction, cutting, end expansion, flanging, chamfering, roll beading, flaring, facing and notching. Tube end forming machines are used to perform...
    Tube End Form Tooling - (25 companies)
    Tube end form tooling is made for tube end forming machines, and used to perform various operations on the end of a tube, including end reduction, cutting, end expansion, flanging, chamfering, roll beading, flaring, facing and notching. Tube end...
    Styli and Probes - (80 companies)
    Styli and probes are slender, rod-shaped stems and contact tips or points used to probe surfaces in conjunction with profilometers, SPMs, CMMs, gages and dimensional scanners. Styli and probes are slender rod-shaped stems and contact tips or points...
    Highwall Miners - (9 companies)
    Highwall miners link underground and surface mining operations by extracting coal from exposed horizontal seams in open-pit mines. Highwall miners link underground and surface mining operations by extracting coal from exposed horizontal seams...
    Combustion Engines - (257 companies)
    Industrial engines are heavy-duty, internal combustion engines that are used to power and propel vehicles, machinery, and equipment. They burn a liquid or gaseous fuel such as gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, propane, or natural gas. Combustion engines...
    MASK ROM (MROM) - (21 companies)
    MASK ROM (MROM) chips contain software (a mask) that is burned onto the chip during the semiconductor manufacturing process. Mask ROM (MROM) chips contain a software mask that is burned onto the chip during the design phase of the semiconductor...

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