Products/Services for Burn Pit Flare Tips
Gas Flares - (30 companies)...prevent gas processing equipment from becoming over-pressurized. During an emergency, gas flares, or flare stacks, can also help to burn out the total reserve gas. Types of Gas Flares. There are many different types of gas flares. Examples include...
Pipettes and Tips - (322 companies)Pipettes and tips are used to deliver a known quantity of solution to a vessel. They are either of the classical style (glass) or digital. Pipettes and tips are used for accurate liquid handling in many lab applications. They are either...
Burn-in Test Equipment - (36 companies)Burn-in test equipment uses elevated voltages, temperatures and power cycling to evaluate high power chips, boards or products. The burn-in process accelerates failures normally seen as "infant mortality " in a device. Burn-in test equipment uses...
Burners - (270 companies)...efficient flame. Premix burners use a machined mixing-set and forced air from a blower or compressor. Open premix burners use a steel or cast iron retention-tip. Sealed premix burners use a return intake (RI) castable tunnel or a multi-port (MP) tip...
Tube End Forming Machines - (112 companies)Tube end forming machines are used to perform various operations on the end of a tube, including end reduction, cutting, end expansion, flanging, chamfering, roll beading, flaring, facing and notching. Tube end forming machines are used to perform...
Tube End Form Tooling - (25 companies)Tube end form tooling is made for tube end forming machines, and used to perform various operations on the end of a tube, including end reduction, cutting, end expansion, flanging, chamfering, roll beading, flaring, facing and notching. Tube end...
Styli and Probes - (80 companies)Styli and probes are slender, rod-shaped stems and contact tips or points used to probe surfaces in conjunction with profilometers, SPMs, CMMs, gages and dimensional scanners. Styli and probes are slender rod-shaped stems and contact tips or points...
Highwall Miners - (9 companies)Highwall miners link underground and surface mining operations by extracting coal from exposed horizontal seams in open-pit mines. Highwall miners link underground and surface mining operations by extracting coal from exposed horizontal seams...
Combustion Engines - (257 companies)Industrial engines are heavy-duty, internal combustion engines that are used to power and propel vehicles, machinery, and equipment. They burn a liquid or gaseous fuel such as gasoline, diesel, biodiesel, propane, or natural gas. Combustion engines...
MASK ROM (MROM) - (21 companies)MASK ROM (MROM) chips contain software (a mask) that is burned onto the chip during the semiconductor manufacturing process. Mask ROM (MROM) chips contain a software mask that is burned onto the chip during the design phase of the semiconductor...
Product News
McElroy Manufacturing, Inc.
PIT BULL - BUILT FOR THE DITCH The Pit Bull is the workhorse of the McElroy machine line with a marked level of endurance. The carriage alone provides all the muscle you need to fuse small- and medium- diameter pipe when wheeled- and track-mounted vehicles are not necessary. The carriage, heater, insulated heater stand and Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) are separate components that can be situated in various arrangements to allow flexibility in confined environments. (read more)Browse Pipe Fusion Machines Datasheets for McElroy Manufacturing, Inc. -
VEGA Americas, Inc.
Level measurement in sulphur pits Sulphur pit. Level measurement in sulphur pits. Application. The liquid sulphur, which comes directly from the sulphur recovery plant, is stored in underground concrete pits. High temperatures are required to maintain the sulphur in its liquid form. The harsh, corrosive process and environmental conditions in sulphur pits require dependable level measurement. Your benefit: Reliable. Unaffected by buildup or condensate. Cost effective. Maintenance-free operation. User friendly. Easy setup... (read more)Browse Liquid Level Sensors Datasheets for VEGA Americas, Inc. -
Total Flare Control Our flare gas mass flow meters provide critical flow data and diagnostics reliably over a wide flow range (turn-down ratio) with excellent low-end resolution to help improve the efficiency of petrochemical plants, refineries, and offshore platforms. Our flare gas mass flow meters use a proprietary algorithm that immediately determines the molecular weight and mass flow rate of the flare and sweep gas. These accurate and efficient meters conserve energy and reduce product loss by identifying... (read more)Browse Flow Meters Datasheets for Panametrics -
Flowsic 100 Flare XT Emission control or monitoring, detection of flare gas leaks, steam flow measurement, monitoring of gas losses, monitoring of steam injection in flare gas burning, as well as process optimization and condition monitoring are fields of use for this gas flow meter. The gas flow meter is measuring values such as gas velocity, gas temperature, gas volume and mass, mass flow rate, molecular weight, volumetric flow a. c., volumetric flow s. c. and sound velocity. The flare gas flow meter provides... (read more)Browse Gas Flow Meters Datasheets for SICK -
General Plastics Manufacturing Co.
FAA-approved burn test facility GENERAL PLASTICS ' TESTING SERVICES: QUALITY TESTING AND FAST RESULTS. General Plastics ' testing services span the full range of quality assurance. We work with customers from determination of test methods to final test certification. Services include physical property, developmental testing, and flammability testing, including the seat cushion oil burner test. General Plastics is one of only 9 in the nation who performs this test, which is performed in our FAA-approved burn test facility... (read more) -
Flare gas measurement in upstream applications Precise and robust gas flow meter for flare gas or flare stack applications: Our ultrasonic gas flow measuring instrument FLOWSIC100 Flare-XT is designed for flare gas measurement or flare metering. The high-resolution measurement and innovative sensor design is being developed for most efficient uses in petroleum refineries, natural gas processing or offshore and onshore oil and gas plants. Emission control or monitoring, detection of flare gas leaks, steam flow measurement, monitoring of gas... (read more)Browse Gas Flow Meters Datasheets for SICK -
Control Instruments Corp.
Monitor PPM levels in Wastewater Collection Pits A specialty chemical company manufacturing pure resins used in signs, lighting and store fixtures, was looking to replace their LFL infrared sensors with a more rugged product to read ppm levels. The Company reached out to Control Instruments for other monitoring. technologies available. The Process. Discharge from the resin manufacturing process is collected and sent to a wastewater collection pit. The atmosphere of the collection pit is continuously monitored with LFL infrared sensors... (read more)Browse Gas Instruments Datasheets for Control Instruments Corp. -
Fluid Components Intl. (FCI)
Natural Gas Flow Measurement-More Calories to Burn Natural Gas Flow Measurement: More Calories to Burn! Webinar now on demand!. Natural gas consumption in industrial processes continues to grow and there are ever greater demands with regards to energy efficiency and the reduction of emissions. As such, it is important to know the calorific value of the natural gas feed to your process (burners, boilers, ovens, furnaces, dryers, etc.). This workshop will provide engineers and operators with an understanding of thermal flow technology... (read more)Browse Gas Flow Meters Datasheets for Fluid Components Intl. (FCI) -
Master Bond, Inc.
EP90FR-V: Passes Vertical Burn Test Master Bond EP90FR-V is a two component flame retardant epoxy system for bonding, sealing, coating and potting. It has been tested to the standards mentioned above, and fully complies with the rigorous vertical burn test specification. This allows it to be considered for use in highly specialized aviation applications. The most noteworthy applications include interior panels, door frame lining and floor and door assemblies. Since it is a superior electrical insulator, it is also a candidate... (read more)Browse Epoxy Adhesives Datasheets for Master Bond, Inc. -
WHY MOTORS BURN OUT: PREVENTIVE MEASURES Without regular maintenance, electric motors are prone to wear and tear. Industries that use machines 24/7/365 creates stress on connections, fuses and bearings. Even new motors can suffer from power surges and can put you out of commission for weeks. Electric motors typically showcase small, compact housings where heat becomes trapped. Excess vibration and fluctuating temperatures weaken insulation and motor hardware, increasing the chance of motor failure. Over time, motors also require... (read more)Browse Predictive Maintenance and Condition Monitoring Systems Datasheets for ALL-TEST Pro, LLC
Hydraulic Fracturing Operations: Handbook of Environmental Management Practices
Disposal System Components - Depending on the process plant, a dis- posal system generally consists of a combination of the following items: pip- ing, knock out drum, quench drum, seal drum, flare stack, ignition system, flare tip , and burning pit .
Pollution Control in Oil, Gas and Chemical Plants
Depending on the process plant under consideration, a disposal system could consist of a combination of the following items: piping, knockout drum, quench drum, seal drum, flare stack, ignition system, flare tip , and burning pit .
Countries > Canada > Province of Alberta > Regulations > Forest and Prairie Protection Act > [CANADA Alta Reg 1972-135] Regulation 135/1972 - The Forest and Pr...
(c) the flare pit is so constructed that burning debris cannot escape from the flare pit at any time;. .... (d) the discharge tip of the flare line is directed into the flare pit at an angle…
CR4 - Thread: Websites - How to Get visitors
Next in Forum: burn pit and cold flare . .... You might be interested in: Pipettes and Tips , Impact Hammers, Anti-spam Software .
Process Plant Equipment: Operation Control and Reliability Complete Document
Meeting quality in these criteria ensures that the flaring system will completely destroy all volatile and carcinogenic vapors, minimize thermal radiation at grade level, and eliminate flame liftoff, flashback, burnback, flame lick, and “ burning rain” (liquid carryover). .... When designing flare systems, areas not to be comprised include purchasing pilots without individual windshields, rain hoods, or protected well-type thermocouples to monitor the pilot flame; using pit flares with straight tips instead of T- or Y-shaped tips; and allowing…
Air Quality Control Initiatives
The standard calls for all new and existing flares to be designed to be smokeless (20% opacity .... Premature damage to the tip , pilot and igniter can lead to a flame-out condition. .... Another environmental concern is liquid HC burning through the burn pits .