Products/Services for Solar UV Sterilizers

  • Autoclaves and Sterilizers-Image
    Autoclaves and Sterilizers - (305 companies)
    ...instrumentation due to the possibility of residual chemical deposits on instrumentation. Features Ultraviolet autoclaves and sterilizers produce UV light exerting a lethal effect on unwanted disease causing organisms. They can destroy pathogens, bacteria, mold...
    Solar Panels - (181 companies) relatively inexpensive, but produces much less power. As such, the solar panels made from these photovoltaic cells must be larger to produce the same amount of energy. A UV-sensitive photo cell converts UV radiation to electrical energy. Crystal Type. Symbol...
  • UV Light Systems-Image
    UV Light Systems - (366 companies)
    UV light systems provide ultraviolet light for identification, tracing, curing, disinfection or processing applications. How to Select UV Light Systems. UV curing lamp. UV chamber. Solar simulation. Image Credit:TCS Technologies Image Credit: Binder...
  • UV Sensors-Image
    UV Sensors - (66 companies)
    ...are radiation-sensitive sensors that are used for monitoring UV air treatments, UV water treatments, and solar irradiance. Light sensors are general-purpose devices for measuring the intensity of incident light. UV spectrum sensors are charge-coupled devices (CCD...
  • UV Cameras-Image
    UV Cameras - (28 companies)
    ...mining, fire detection, and sterilization. Interestingly, some animals exhibit innate UV capabilities; bees, for example, detect pollen in flowers with unique UV sensitivity. Resources. Graftek Imaging Inc. - Ultraviolet Cameras. Wikipedia...
    Solar Connectors - (41 companies)
    Solar connectors are connectors specially designed to be used in the transmission of current produced in solar systems. Solar connectors facilitate electrical connectivity in solar energy systems. Numerous versions of connectors or standard...
    UV Lamps - (52 companies)
    ...have industrial uses in sterilization, geology, polymer and adhesive curing, and laboratory research and analysis, including biological analysis. UV lamps often use fluorescent sources, short-wave, and gas-discharge lamps. Types of UV Lamps. UV lamps...
    Product and Component Testing Services - (1658 companies) environmental elements, including accelerated weathering, abrasion, earthquake simulation, lightning surge, temperature and humidity, UV (solar) exposure, wind and dust. Fire characteristics testing - tests product properties related to fire...
    Water Disinfection Systems - (180 companies)
    ...endoscopes as well as commercial facilities. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfectors are a relatively inexpensive way to disinfect drinking water. These systems incorporate a UV disinfector into a distribution system that enhances the microbiological purity...
    Lamps - (1751 companies)
    Fluorescent lamps are high-efficiency devices that use the electrical discharge of low-pressure mercury vapor to produce ultraviolet (UV) energy. The UV light is transformed into visible light. Halogen lamps are high-pressure incandescent lamps...

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