Products/Services for 200 KW Wind Turbines

  • Wind Turbines-Image
    Wind Turbines - (269 companies)
    Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy from wind into mechanical energy. When used with an electrical generator, the rotation of the wind turbine’s blades turns a shaft to produce electricity. There are two basic types of wind turbines...
  • Power Generation Systems-Image
    Power Generation Systems - (126 companies)
    ...created by shoreline geography to drive turbine-generator systems. Generation systems near use have the advantage of higher efficiencies due to low transmission loss. Wind energy generation is possible anywhere wind is prevalent. Wind generation...
    Blades (wind turbine) - (19 companies)
    Wind turbine blades are air-foil shaped blades that harness wind energy and drive the rotor of a wind turbine. Wind turbine blades are airfoil-shaped blades that harness wind energy and drive the rotor of a wind turbine. The airfoil-shaped-design...
    Turbine Repair and Maintenance Services - (113 companies)
    Turbine repair and maintenance services provide maintenance, overhauls and repairs to wind, gas, steam and water turbines. Turbine repair and maintenance services provide maintenance, overhauls, and repairs to wind, gas, steam, and water turbines...
  • Electrical Power Generators-Image
    Electrical Power Generators - (959 companies) referred to as alternative power generators that utilize renewable resources such as solar, thermal, and wind power. More information about alternative power generators can be found in the published selection guide for alternative power...
    Hydro Turbines - (55 companies)
    Hydro turbines are used to transmit mechanical power and produce electricity. Hydro turbines convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power that can be used to drive an electricity generator, grind a mill, or move some other device. Hydro...
    Turbine Pumps - (250 companies)
    Turbine pumps are centrifugal pumps that use pressure in combination with a rotary mechanism to transfer fluid. They typically employ blade geometry, which causes fluid circulation around the vanes to add pressure from inlet to outlet. Turbine pumps...
    Wind Tunnels - (17 companies)
    Wind tunnels allow the characterization of the aerodynamic attributes of objects in a controlled system by creating airflow through a closed passage. They are primarily used in the study of how aircraft, trains, automobiles, boats, and structures...
    Steam and Gas Turbines - (75 companies)
    Steam turbines and gas turbines are rotating machines that extract energy from pressurized steam and/or from combustion gases. Types of Steam and Gas Turbines. There are two basic types of steam turbines: impulse and reaction. Impulse turbines...
    Turbine Flow Meters - (264 companies)
    Turbine flow meters measure the rate of flow in a pipe or process line via a rotor that spins as the media passes through its blades. Turbine flow meters measure the rate of flow in a pipe or process line via a rotor that spins as the media passes...

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Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
Engineered Materials, a subsidiary of PPG's aerospace division
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