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Products/Services for Blast Furnace Gas Flare Stacks

  • Burners-Image
    Burners - (270 companies)
    ...the pressure drop of the burners and any pre-heat equipment. Natural-draft burners use a draft to move combustion air into the heater and flue gas out of the heater and out of the stack. Features. Fuel-oil atomizer type is the most important feature...
    Gas Flares - (30 companies)
    Gas flares, alternatively known as a flare stacks, are used to eliminate waste gas, which is released via pressure relief valve when needed to ease the strain on equipment. Gas flares, or flare stacks, are used to eliminate waste gas and to reduce...
  • Heating Furnaces-Image
    Heating Furnaces - (212 companies)
    Heating furnaces convert gas, oil, electricity or other fuels into heat for distribution within a structure. They are the central heating devices within HVAC systems. Heating furnaces convert gas, oil, electricity, or other fuels into heat...
  • Furnaces (industrial)-Image
    Furnaces (industrial) - (450 companies)
    Industrial furnaces are built of several kinds of high temperature (refractory) materials to hold the process material and hold in the heat without breaking down during the several months that they usually run. Industrial furnaces are built...
  • Furnace Controllers-Image
    Furnace Controllers - (69 companies)
    ...for an Old Electric House Furnace. CR4 Community --Induction Furnace Design. CR4 Community --Sizing of Industrial Furnace. CR4 Community --Blast Furnace Camera. Image credit: Micron Instruments and Micron Meters...
    Vacuum Furnaces - (101 companies)
    Vacuum furnaces are heat-treating furnaces that use a low atmospheric pressure instead of a protective gas atmosphere. This helps to alleviate surface reactions. In vacuum furnaces the heat-treating process takes place inside an airtight vessel...
    Laboratory Furnaces - (147 companies)
    ...induction, infrared or radiant, natural gas, propane, oil, other fuel, RF, microwave, or dielectric, and steam. Other features for laboratory furnaces include over-temperature protection, computer interface, and application software. Related...
    Stackers and Reclaimers - (67 companies)
    Stackers and reclaimers are used in stockyards to stack minerals, ore, and other granular raw materials in piles, and then redistribute them for processing and shipment. Stackers are used to produce these large piles or circular stacks. Reclaimers...
    Pipettes and Tips - (322 companies)
    Pipettes and tips are used to deliver a known quantity of solution to a vessel. They are either of the classical style (glass) or digital.
    Gas Valves - (512 companies)
    Gas valves are used to handle and control the flow of gaseous media such as liquefied petroleum and natural gas. They are made of metal or plastic and vary in terms of valve size, pressure rating, number of ports, and flow. Gas valves are flow...

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