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  • Basic Gyroscope Spin Motor Excitation Requirements For USD Gyroscopes
    This applications note discusses basic gyroscope spin motor excitation requirements for many models of US Dynamics miniature Rate Integrating Gyroscopes (RIG) and Rate Gyroscopes. Most US Dynamics miniature gyroscopes utilize 2 phase synchronous (hysteresis) motors to drive the gyroscope inertia
  • US Dynamics Rate Gyroscope Interface Brief
    This applications note discusses in brief, the typical input signals to and output signals from a US Dynamics miniature spinning mass Rate Gyroscope. Since there are several variations of rate gyroscopes, the signals exemplified here represent those typical of the Model 475 Rate Gyroscope, a common
  • The Rate Integrating Gyroscope (RIG), Part 1
    The gyroscope is an instrument where the input is a rate of turn (angular rate). Any gyroscope is a torque-in, torque-out device. Therefore, the output of the gyro is a change in the gimbal angle (the gimbal turns) in response to the rate of turn input, due to gyroscopic precession. The input
  • US Dynamics Model 475 Rate Gyroscope Technical Brief
    This applications note discusses the US Dynamics Rate Gyroscope typical of the Model 475 design. Included here shall be a brief discussion on rate gyroscope basics, operation, and uses, and a dissection of the model by major component. This applications note is primarily intended to familiarize
  • Basic Output Generator Excitation and Demodulation Requirements for USD Gyroscopes
    This applications note discusses the input signal excitation and output signal conditioning (demodulation) requirements of the transformer type output generator, or pickoff used on the US Dynamics Miniature Rate Integrating Gyroscopes (RIG) and Rate Gyroscopes. In addition, basic transformer type
  • Gyroscopic Stabilization of Working Surface with a Hexapod 6-DOF Motion Platform
    In a recent test, we used a gyroscope to provide feedback to a hexapod controller in order to compensate for multi-degree-of-freedom disturbances and to maintain a horizontal top plate during the process.
  • The Concept of Rate, More Particularly, Angular Rate Pertaining to Rate Gyroscopes
    This applications note discusses in brief, the concept of rate, in particular angular rate, as it pertains to gyroscopes and the measurement of angular velocity, or the rate-of-turn, along with how the data can be used. This applications note is primarily intended to familiarize the reader
  • Spinning Mass Mechanical Gyroscopes
    In early times, people discovered the spinning top, a toy with a unique ability to balance upright while rotating rapidly. Ancient Greek, Chinese and Roman societies built tops for games and entertainment. The Maori in New Zealand have used humming tops, with specially-crafted holes, in mourning

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