IC optoelectronics are integrated circuits that combine optical components (i.e. laser optocoupler, LEDs, etc.) with electronic devices or circuits (i.e. transistors, diodes, etc.).
IC Optoelectronics Categories
CCD Image Sensors (63 suppliers)
Charged coupled device (CCD) image sensors are electronic devices that are capable of transforming a light pattern (image) into an electric charge pattern (an electronic image).
CMOS Image Sensors (90 suppliers)
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors operate at lower voltages than CCDs, reducing power consumption for portable applications. Analog and digital processing functions can be integrated readily onto the CMOS chip, reducing system package size and overall cost.
Color Sensors (94 suppliers)
Color sensors register items by contrast, true color, or translucent index. True color sensors are based on one of the color models, most commonly the RGB model (red, green, blue).
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) (652 suppliers)
Light-emitting diodes (LED) are PN junction devices that give off light radiation when biased in the forward direction. LEDs are used in a wide variety of indication applications.
Light Sensor Chips (42 suppliers)
Light sensor chips convert light into electrical signals which are then conditioned to produce a desired electrical output. They are sometimes called light-to-frequency chips, light-to-voltage chips, or ambient light sensors.
Optocouplers (146 suppliers)
Optocouplers are capable of transferring an electrical signal between two circuits while isolating the circuits from each other.
Photoconductive Cells (38 suppliers)
Photoconductive cells are light-sensitive resistors, in which resistance decreases with an increase in light intensity when illuminated.
Photodiodes (224 suppliers)
Photodiodes are used for the detection of optical power (UV, Visible, and IR) and for the conversion of optical power to electrical power.
Phototransistors (97 suppliers)
Phototransistors are solid-state light detectors with internal gain that are used to provide analog or digital signals. They detect visible, ultraviolet and near-infrared light from a variety of sources and are more sensitive than photodiodes. This category includes photodarlingtons.
Photovoltaic Cells (193 suppliers)
Photovoltaic cells or solar cells generate a voltage when radiant energy falls on the boundary between dissimilar substances.
Solid State Relays (606 suppliers)
Solid state relays (SSR) or semiconductor relays are semiconductor devices that can be used in place of mechanical relays to switch electricity to a load in many applications.
UV Sensors (66 suppliers)
UV sensors are designed to measure the power or intensity of incident ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
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