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  • Positioning Stages and Gantries - New Trends in Integration Approaches
    connect electrically and mechanically - and easily network to each other and supervisory control systems such as PCs. Of course, increased need for networked controllers and drives has come with ever-faster communication protocols such as EtherCAT. We also see more demand for complex systems, which
  • Selection of Thermal Protector in Motor Product Application
    element is heated to produce internal It acts quickly under stress, opens the contacts, disconnects /connects the circuit, and plays a role of thermal protection. When the ambient temperature drops to the reset temperature of the protector, the contacts will reclose and switch on the circuit
  • Tin Vs. Bare
    that it will oxidize much more quickly than the tinned variety which leads to a degradation in electrical performance. When you think of rust, old cars, front gates or even bikes and bird feeders may come to mind. Usually, not cable. Rust is scientifically known as oxidation which occurs when oxygen comes

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