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Conduct Research Top

  • Data/Chart Recorders 101 (.pdf)
    A data/chart recorder is an electronic instrument that keeps track of various measurements required in industrial and laboratory environments. Broadly speaking, it is used to record: - process measurements for such variables as temperature, pressure, flow, pH, and humidity. - scientific
  • Lab Goes Paperless With a Digital Chart Recorder
    CAS DataLoggers is here to show you how a research lab requiring to monitor temperature goes paperless with a digital chart recorder saving valuable time and enabling instant data readings.
  • Modernized Crematorium Temperature Monitoring
    A crematorium replaced their outdated data recording process with an advanced paperless chart recorder to monitor crematorium temperature much easier.
  • Data Loggers Monitor & Alarm a Medical R&D Lab
    Earlier this year CAS DataLoggers provided the temperature monitoring and alarming setup for a medical laboratory requiring monitoring of product and sample temperature within multiple medical storage units. As opposed to an expensive chart recorder, technicians needed affordable multichannel
  • Monitoring and Alarming Failing AC Compressors
    Manufacturing plants depend on obsolete paper chart recorders to track their machine and equipment temperatures, but printing all this data on hardcopy takes too much time. Now you can just call CAS DataLoggers and check out our bestselling Brainchild Paperless Chart Recorders as an economical
  • Data Loggers: There s No Such Thing as TMI
    recorders -- such as the VFC70 for vaccine temperature monitoring -- is encouraging manufacturers to transition to digital by offering paperless chart recorders, whose flat panel LCD graphical displays match or exceed those of paper charts in clarity and function. All of Dickson 's paperless recorders
  • A Research Lab Goes Paperless
    CAS DataLoggers has provided the paperless chart recording device for a medical research laboratory undertaking a set of experiments requiring real-time temperature monitoring and alarming. For years staff relied on outdated paper chart recorders but now they wanted to make the switch to digital
  • Achieving FDA Compliance in a Small Hospital Blood Bank
    Recently CAS DataLoggers provided an Accsense temperature alarm and monitoring system to a hospital blood bank looking to replace their old paper chart recorders. To keep their refrigerated blood supply in a usable condition, the lab's medical storage units needed to maintain internal temperatures

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