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Conduct Research Top

  • Machining Titanium
    , to withstand high temperatures and to lighten the resultant alloy. Titanium's high corrosion resistance is also a valuable characteristic. When exposed to the atmosphere, titanium forms a tight, tenacious oxide film that resists many corrosive materials.
  • Grade 9 vs. Grade 5 Titanium Comparison: Choosing the Right Titanium Alloy for the Job
    the most commercially available titanium alloy it's more well known. What isn't so well known is the fact that while Grade 5 Titanium alloy is twice as strong its low formability makes it twice as hard to work with than Grade 9 Titanium. While both alloys are excellent, Grade 5 Titanium isn't always
  • Additive Manufacturing for Heat Pipes
    pipes utilizing laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) techniques to form titanium heat pipe vessels with integrated miniaturized lattice capillary wick structures. The article covers an overview of this technology, its development through the European Space Agency (ESA), and an Innovate UK project
  • Optimization of Melt Chemistry and Properties of Drawn Filled Tube
    The purpose of this paper is to review the property improvements of this alloyed wire through the use of enhanced melting chemistry. The new chemistry is the 35N LT (R) material which meets the requirements of ASTM F 562. It will be shown that the reduction in titanium content of the melt
  • Austenitic, Martensitic, Ferritic Stainless Steel
    is alloyed to steel it forms a protective film on the steel surface, preventing any contact with oxygen. Depending on the material needs, other elements such as nickel, molybdenum, or titanium can be added to improve corrosion resistance and to provide additional necessary properties that can enhance
  • Solving the Challenges of Increasing Power Density by Reducing Number of Power Rails
    deliver more power output from the same or less amount of space as legacy solutions. In electrical vehicles, particularly in on-board charger applications, higher power density equates to a smaller, lighter-weight form factor that allows faster charging and frees more space for the battery
  • Dielectric Materials for Use in Radomes
    . BACKGROUND: Polyurethanes are a family of versatile industrial materials made from polyisocyanates and polyols, forming a cellular plastic. Polyurethanes are used to make flexible foams, coatings, rigid foams and other materials. The diversity of potential formulations of polyurethanes allows

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