Memory chips are integrated circuits that temporarily store data and code for processing.
Memory Chips Categories
DRAM and SDRAM Memory Chips (195 suppliers)
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips are single-transistor memory cells that use small capacitors to store each bit of memory in an addressable format that consists of rows and columns. Because capacitors are unable to hold a charge indefinitely, DRAM memory chips require a near-constant pulse of current to retain stored information.
DRAM Modules (103 suppliers)
DRAM memory modules are collections of DRAM cells assembled on a circuit board.
EEPROM (136 suppliers)
Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chips are similar to PROM devices, but require only electricity to be erased.
EPROM (95 suppliers)
Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chips are programmable, reusable computer chips that can be erased using ultraviolet light and reprogrammed with a PROM programmer or PROM burner.
FIFO Memory (52 suppliers)
First-in, first-out (FIFO) memory chips are used in buffering applications between devices that operate at different speeds or in applications where data must be stored temporarily for further processing.
FLASH Memory Chips (192 suppliers)
FLASH memory chips offer extremely fast access times, low power consumption, and relative immunity to severe shock or vibration. They do not need a constant power supply to retain their data.
FRAM Memory Chips (24 suppliers)
Ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM) chips have memory cells that contain a specific ferroelectric material such as a crystal of zirconium or titanium, or oxygen and lead. FRAM memory is much faster than Flash memory.
MASK ROM (MROM) (21 suppliers)
MASK ROM (MROM) chips contain software (a mask) that is burned onto the chip during the semiconductor manufacturing process.
Memory Chips (546 suppliers)
Memory chips are internal storage areas in computers. Although the term "memory chip" commonly refers to a computer's random access memory (RAM), this product area includes many different types of electronic data storage. Computer memory stores data electronically in cells. Without memory chips, a computer could not read programs or retain data.
MRAM (14 suppliers)
Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) stores bits of data by using magnetic charges. MRAM is designed for high density, high speed, and non-volatile devices and has the potential to replace DRAM and Flash (EEPROM) memory.
NVRAM (47 suppliers)
NVRAM memory chips (Non-volatile RAM) is used to store configuration information that can be changed through modem commands.
SRAM Memory Chips (150 suppliers)
Static random access memory (SRAM) chips do not need to be refreshed like DRAM chips. This makes SRAM chips faster and more reliable.
SRAM Modules (79 suppliers)
Static random access memory (SRAM) modules are a collection of SRAM chips assembled on a circuit board.
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