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  • Cryodur 2767 PROPRIETARY
    Cutlery dies, cutting tools for thick material, billet-shear blades, drawing jaws, massive embossing and bending tools , plastic moulds, reinforcements.
    Cutlery dies, cutting tools for thick material, billet-shear blades, drawing jaws, massive embossing and bending tools , plastic moulds, reinforcements.
    Cutlery dies, cutting tools for thick material, billet-shear blades, drawing jaws, solid embossing and bending tools , plastic moulds, casings.
  • Aircraft wire system laboratory development : phase I progress report.
    DT-6: Bend Radius Tools : Plastic Tie-Bands, Tie-Band Tool Specification: Location; Bend Diameter .
  • PM into the 1990S
    Transverse rupture strength and plastic work of bending of tool steels from this processing route are superior to conventional tool steels and PM versions produced by other methods.
  • Research on the ovality of hollow shafts in cross wedge rolling with mandrel
    Outside the forming zone, the diameter perpendicular to the center connection of the tools increases due to plastic bending deformation of the cross section, which results in the insufficient radial compression and prolongation of formation process, increas- ing the workpiece ovality.
  • Mechanical surface treatments - Principles | Techniques of the Ingénieur
    The first principle is the putting into application of a pressure at the surface of a material for causing a plastic deformation either by a tool of form as for the shot blasting or the burnishing, either by a shock wave as…
  • Plastique All to know on Plastique | Techniques of the Ingénieur
    residual compressive stresses thanks to a heterogeneous plastic deformation at the surface..., the hammering, the laser shock, the generation of nanostructures by random plastic deformations at the surface of a material for causing a plastic deformation are by a tool of form...
    Dies, including those of very large size; tools for rod and tube extrusion; forming dies; bending and embossing tools ; plastic moulds.
    Shredder knives, cutting tools for thick materials, casing, plastic moulds, cutting and bending tools , shear knives for cutting scrap and billets.