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Conduct Research Top

  • The Energy Savings Potential in Closed Loop Chilled Water Systems (.pdf)
    The variable heating & cooling demands of a hospital environment accentuate all aspects of a district cooling system. Contrary to conventional thought, closed loop systems experience significant contaminant fouling and create hardships for system energy efficiency. Optimizing operation and control
  • Accelerated Wear Testing of Water Pumps
    of Water Pumps", a standard PC pump and a SEEPEX PC pump with SCT were compared in performance over the course of a constant-flow wear test using bentonite and water within a closed-loop system. The standard PC pump failed at approximately 240 hours of operation. The SEEPEX PC pump lasted approximately
  • Make Water Treatment Part of Your Process-Cooling Program
    Dirty, rusty, smelly water can wreak havoc with even the most meticulous process-cooling program. Here?? TMs how to make sure your water is up to the task. This is what the water side of a closed-loop system pipe should look like when properly treated. Shown is a plug that has been cut out
  • Real-Time Nitrite Detection for Hot Water Boiler and Cooling System
    In closed low-pressure water heating and cooling systems, sodium nitrite is a commonly used inhibitor that prevents oxygen related corrosion. It inhibits corrosion by promoting formation of protective films on surfaces. When nitrite is used as a corrosion inhibitor, it becomes crucial to maintain
  • Twelve Strike Bowling Services Chooses American-Made Jet Edge Waterjet
    Filtration System eliminates the need for a drain by filtering and reusing water. A closed-loop filtration system prevents the introduction of hazardous materials into drainage systems, protects the waterjet pump, maximizes orifice life and reduces water/sewage costs.
  • Direct Contact Heat Transfer using No. 2 Type-K Tellerette (R) Tower Packing (.pdf)
    A customer with a sulfuric acid reclamation facility needed to cool a saturated air stream or closed loop process operation. The 10,000 CFM air stream at 165° F. had to be cooled to 110°F. The existing equipment was only able to achieve 125°F. Cooling liquid availability included a large quantity
  • M&M Cut-O-Matic Grows Industrial Cutting Service with Waterjet
    M & M Cut-O-Matic's Jet Edge High Rail Gantry waterjet. The company uses a closed-loop filtration and water recycling system which reduces water consumption and eliminates the need to dump water down the drain, essential in Southern California's desert environment. During the past four years
  • Why Is Mineral Oil Used In Thermal Heaters?
    Thermal heaters, also known as thermal fluid heaters, employ the use of a thermal liquid such as water, glycol, mineral oil, synthetic liquids or aromatics as the source of heat transfer. The medium for transferring heat is circulated within a closed loop system to supply heat to the end user

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