Fill out as many options as you want. Click "Run Search Filter" at any time.

Lamp Power:

Rated Average Life:

Maximum Overall Length:

Mean Lumens:




Twin Tube?

Water Cooled?

Lamp Bases:

Filament Type:

Help with Halogen Lamps specifications:

   Lamp Power       Lamp power is the wattage of the lamp. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Rated Average Life       Rated average life is the lamp-burning hours to median life expectancy. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Maximum Overall Length       The maximum overall length of the lamp. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Mean Lumens       Mean lumens is the average lamp output over a designated amount of time, usually 40 to 50 % of rated lamp life. A lumen is the standard international (SI) unit of luminous flux or quantity of light. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Lamp Features
   Compact       A compact fluorescent lamp is sized so that it screws into a regular incandescent light bulb socket. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Reflector       The infrared lamp has a built-in reflector to increase light intensity in the desired direction.   
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Shatterproof       The lamp is coated to prevent shattering. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Twin Tube       The infrared lamp has two tubes with filaments for higher intensity emission. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
   Water Cooled       The lamp is water cooled for better performance. 
   Search Logic:      "Required" and "Must Not Have" criteria limit returned matches as specified. Products with optional attributes will be returned for either choice.
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Lamp Bases
   Your choices are...         
   1" Ribbon Leads       1" ribbon leads. 
   4" Leads       4" Leads. 
   6" Flex Leads       6" flexible leads. 
   2-Pin       2 Pins make the connection for the lamp. 
   4-Pin (Circling)       Circling is a four-pin connection. 
   Ad medium       Ad medium is halfway between a medium based and a mogul screw base. 
   Ad medium Skirted       Ad medium is halfway between a medium based and a mogul screw base. The term "skirted" means that the base flares out at the top. 
   Base Restricted Mogul       Movement of the base is restricted. The restricted mogul base is used for many mercury, metal halide, and sodium lamps. It also used for incandescent lamps over 300 W. Lamps requiring more than 200 V are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base instead of a medium base. 
   Bi-Pin T-5       Bi-pin T-5 uses a miniature-sized, two-pin connection. 
   Bi-Pin T-8       Bi-pin T-8 uses a small, two-pin connection. 
   Bi-Pin T-10       Bi-pin T-10 uses a medium-sized, two-pin connection. 
   Bi-Pin T-12       Bi-pin T-12 uses a large, two pin connection. 
   Candelabra       Candelabra bases are used mostly for decorative lighting such as chandeliers. 15/32 inch. 
   Candelabra Refocus       Used for decorative lighting, chandeliers. 15/32 inch. No screw, refocus. 
   Double Contact Bayonet       No screw, two bayonets on bottom make contact. 
   Double Contact Bayonet Candelabra       The candelabra base has a double bayonet connection instead of a screw connection. 
   Extended Mogul End Prong       Used for most mercury, metal halide, sodium lamps, and also incandescent lamps over 300 watts. Lamps requiring more than 200 volts are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base rather than a medium base. 
   G-12       G-12 is a bi-pin base. 
   Intermediate       Intermediate bases are used for decorative lighting such as chandeliers. 21/32 inch. 
   Medium       The medium base is the standard household base for lamps up to about 300 W. Medium bases are also used for a few mercury and sodium lamps under 100 W. 
   Medium IPost       Standard household lamp base for lamps up to about 300 watts also used for a few mercury and sodium lamps under 100 watts. No screw, IPost connection. 
   Medium Refocus       Standard household lamp base for lamps up to about 300 watts also used for a few mercury and sodium lamps under 100 watts. No screw, Refocus. 
   Medium Skirted       The medium base is the standard household base for lamps up to about 300 W. Medium bases are also used for a few mercury and sodium lamps under 100 W. The term "skirted" means that the base flares out at the top. 
   Miniature Bi-Pin       Two pin connection. 
   Miniature Candelabra       Miniature candelabra bases are used mostly for flashlight lamps and instrument panel lamps, typically under 30 V. 
   Miniature Screw       A small screw base. 
   Mogul       Mogul bases are used for most mercury, metal halide, and sodium lamps. They are also used for incandescent lamps over 300 W. Lamps requiring more than 200 V are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base instead of a medium base. 
   Mogul End Prong       Bases are used for most mercury, metal halide, and sodium lamps. They are also used for incandescent lamps over 300 W. Lamps requiring more than 200 V are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base instead of a medium base. The base has prongs instead of threads. 
   Mogul IPost       Used for most mercury, metal halide, sodium lamps, and also incandescent lamps over 300 watts. Lamps requiring more than 200 volts are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base rather than a medium base. No screw, iPost connection. 
   Mogul Refocus       Used for most mercury, metal halide, sodium lamps, and also incandescent lamps over 300 watts. Lamps requiring more than 200 volts are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base rather than a medium base. The base has two prongs as opposed to thread. 
   Mogul End Prong       Used for most mercury, metal halide, sodium lamps, and also incandescent lamps over 300 watts. Lamps requiring more than 200 volts are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base rather than a medium base. No screw, end prong connection. 
   PG-12       PG-12 is smaller than a G-12 base, but still a bi-pin base.  
   Position Oriented Mogul       The lamp has a particular orientation determined by the base. The position-oriented mogul base is used for many mercury, metal halide, and sodium lamps. It is also used for incandescent lamps over 300 W. Lamps requiring more than 200 V are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base instead of a medium base. 
   Recessed Double Contact T-8       Recessed double-contact T-8 uses a small, recessed, two-pin connection. 
   Recessed Double Contact T-12       Recessed double-contact T-12 uses a large, two-pin connection. 
   Recessed Single Contact       The lamp base has a recessed single contact. 
   Screw Terminals       Screws are used to fix and tighten connection. 
   Single Contact Bayonet Candelabra       The candelabra base has a single bayonet connection instead of screw connection. 
   Single Pin T-6       Single-pin T-6 uses a small, single-pin connection. 
   Single Pin T-8       Single-pin T-8 uses a medium-sized, single-pin connection. 
   Single Pin T-12       Single-pin T-12 uses a large, single-pin connection. 
   Three Contact Medium       The medium base is the standard household base for lamps up to about 300 W. Medium bases are also used for a few mercury and sodium lamps under 100 W. The three-contact medium base has thicker threads than an ordinary medium base. 
   Three Contact Mogul       Mogul bases are used for most mercury, metal halide, and sodium lamps. They are also used for incandescent lamps over 300 W. Lamps requiring more than 200 V are more likely to have a mogul (or larger) base instead of a medium base. 
   Other Lamp Bases       Other unlisted lamp bases. 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Filament Designation
   Filament Type      Filament designations starting with the letter "C" indicate a coiled wire filament. The letters or numbers after the C indicate the positioning of the filament.
   Your choices are...         
   C-1       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-1. 
   C-2R       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-2R.  Short, coiled curbed filament requiring no support. 
   C-2V       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-2V.  Short, coiled filament requiring support. 
   C-5       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-5.  Concentrated filament for small light sources. 
   C-6       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-6.  Short, coiled filament requiring little or no support. 
   C-6F       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-6F. 
   C-6 Oval       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-6 Oval. 
   C-7A       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-7A.  Long filament supported at the top and at the base for universal usage. 
   C-8       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-8.  Coiled filament mounted in lamp axis. Can be extended like Lemoine lamps. 
   C-9       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-9.  Average length filament mounted in the bulb axis. 
   C-11       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-11.  Average length, concentrated filament. Well supported, "M" Shape. 
   C-11V       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-11V. 
   C-13       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-13.  Flat, very concentrated filament for projection equipment. 
   C-13D       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-13D. 
   C-17       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-17. 
   C-17A       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-17A. 
   C-22       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-22. 
   C-130       The filament is a coiled filament wire designated C-130. 
   2CC-8       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated 2CC-8.  Two short, double-coiled filaments mounted in the bulb axis. 
   CC-2V       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated CC-2V. 
   CC-6       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated CC-6. 
   CC-8       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated CC-8. 
   CC-11       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated CC-11. 
   CC-13       The filament is a coiled coil filament wire designated CC-13.  Flat, very concentrated double-coiled filament for projection equipment. 
   BP       The filament is designated BP. 
   FF       The filament is designated FF. 
   M       The filament is designated M. 
   MP       The filament is designated MP. 
   SC       The filament is designated SC. 
   Other Filament Types       Any other filament type not listed. 
   Search Logic:      Products with the selected attribute will be returned as matches. Leaving or selecting "No Preference" will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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