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Learning MicroStation VBA

Chapter 7: Working With Text


We work with text every day. This book is composed of text: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs. The ability to work with text is invaluable in our programming.

Recall that the type of variable that deals with text is a String.

Sub <b class="bold">TextWork01</b>()      Dim BookTitle As String      BookTitle = "Learning MicroStation VBA"      MsgBox UCase(BookTitle)      MsgBox LCase(BookTitle)      MsgBox Left(BookTitle, 12)      MsgBox Right(BookTitle, 12)End Sub

In this example, we have a variable named BookTitle that is declared as a String. It is given a value of "LearningMicroStation VBA". Four different functions are then used with the variableBookTitle as a parameter and the result displays in four MessageBoxes.

VBA String Functions

Let's take a look at each of the VBA functions that deal with text (Strings) one-by-one.


Function UCase(String)

The UCase function converts the supplied string to upper case.

Sub <b class="bold">TextWork02</b>()      Dim strNewLevel As String      strNewLevel = InputBox("Enter New Level Name:")      strNewLevel = UCase(strNewLevel)      Application.ActiveDesignFile.AddNewLevel strNewLevelEnd Sub

In this example we use an InputBox to allow the user to enter the name of a new level. We then convert it to upper case and use it to add a new level ( AddNewLevel) to the active design file.


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