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Learning MicroStation VBA

Chapter 9: Standard VBA Calls

While introducing various concepts, we used a number of standard VBA calls without discussing them, so let's cover them now. Again, you can use these VBA calls with other VBA-enabled applications such as Microsoft Excel.


We used MessageBoxes to display some text with an OK button. By default, the code pauses until the user clicks the OK button.

Sub <b class="bold">TestMessageBox1</b>()    MsgBox "Your hard drive will now be formatted."End Sub

This is just what we all want to see: A MessageBox informing us something drastic is about to happen and all we have is an OK button to click on.

You can specify the prompt of the MessageBox (the text that shows up) as well as which buttons display.

Sub <b class="bold">TestMessageBox2</b>()    Dim MsgResp As VbMsgBoxResult    MsgResp = MsgBox("Unable to open file.", vbAbortRetryIgnore)    MsgResp = MsgBox("Format Hard Drive?", vbOKCancel)    MsgResp = MsgBox("New Level Added.", vbOKOnly)    MsgResp = MsgBox("Not Connected to Internet.", vbRetryCancel)    MsgResp = MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo)    MsgResp = MsgBox("Continue Reading File?", vbYesNoCancel)    Select Case MsgResp        Case VbMsgBoxResult.vbAbort            'Place Code Here        Case VbMsgBoxResult.vbCancel            'Place Code Here       ...


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