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Media Type:

Media Viscosity:


Feed Rate:

Mixer Type:

Operating Condition:


Mixer / Homogenizer Location:

Motor Speed:

Motor Power:

Mix Speed:

Operating Temperature:

Pressure Range:

Application / Industry Use:

Additional Features:

Additional Capabilities:

Display Type:

Local Interface:

Help with Industrial Mixers specifications:

Media Type
   Media Type:      Other media characteristics, such as pH, concentration, and specific gravity, are important and should be discussed with the vendor for compatibility.
   Your choices are...         
   Liquids, Solutions, Emulsions       Mixers and Homogenizers used for mixing combinations of liquids, solutions and emulsions.  Solutions consist of a substance (called a solute) dissolved in a liquid (called a solvent).  Emulsions are combinations of immiscible (unblendable) liquids, such as oil and water. 
   Suspensions, Slurries, Pastes, Colloids       Mixers and Homogenizers process liquids containing solids.  Suspensions (including slurries and pastes) are liquids that contain solid particles sufficiently large for sedimentation.  Colloids have smaller particles that will not settle. 
   Solid with Liquid Addition       Mixers are used to blend powders/granules and introduce liquids uniformly without allowing the solids to agglomerate. Examples include mixing clay particles with de-dusting fluids to enhance powder processing and molding.  
   Powders or Granules       Devices process powder or granular materials, such as dry cement. 
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   Media Viscosity       Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's thickness. Thicker materials require more energy for mixing, homogenizing, or blending. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Operating Capacity
   Capacity       Capacity is the volume of product that a device can accommodate. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Feed Rate       Feed rate is the volume of product that a device can process over a given period of time. In other words, feed rate is the flow of product through the device. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Operating Configuration
   Mixer Type:       
   Your choices are...         
   Agitator       Agitators are used to mix product within a vessel. 
   Conical Screw       Conical screw mixers use a rotating screw that progresses around the periphery of a conical hopper. The screw lifts solids from the bottom of the hopper to the top, where the mixture flows by gravity back into the screw. Mixing occurs around the open screw, where the solids transported by the screw exit at various levels and are replaced by other solids at that level. The screw’s shearing action also mixes the various components. Gross mixing occurs by the velocity profile created in the conical hopper as it feeds the screw. This gross mixing action is most effective when the solids move along the conical hopper walls. 
   Fluidized Bed       Fluidized bed mixers fluidize the complete product bed and are very efficient and thorough, as indicated by higher applied horsepower, rotational speeds and more durable vessel construction. 
   Homogenizer       Homogenizers are mechanical devices used to create a stable, uniform dispersion of an insoluble phase within a liquid phase. 
   Kneader       Kneaders provide a kneading motion to mix the contents of the mixer. 
   Paddle       Paddle mixers use a horizontal rotating shaft (or shafts) with fixed arms and attached paddle-shaped feet. The paddles of the dual-shaft mixer impact the solids and force some of them onto the second shaft while pushing others toward one end of the unit. The paddles on the second shaft push the solids toward the opposite end, as well as toward the other shaft and paddle set.  
   Planetary       Planetary mixers usually have two mixing blades that rotate around individual shafts. The two blades further rotate around a center axis. The net effect is intermixing, stirring, and shear. 
   Propeller / Impeller       Propeller mixers and impeller mixers use vertical blades attached to a horizontal disc. The propeller or impeller pumps the media in a radial direction and generates a recirculating mixing pattern above and below the disc. This high-shear, high-power design is stable under varying liquid depths and makes an excellent choice as a rapid mixer in shallow basins and solids suspensions in shallow or varying water depths. Propellers are often used as the lower impeller in a multiple impeller design. 
   Ribbon       Ribbon mixers use a counter-transport mechanism that consists of an outside right-hand ribbon and an inside left-hand ribbon, each connected to the same horizontal shaft. This ribbon setup, combined with the mixer’s inability to transport an entire mass of solids, creates an extremely diverse velocity field. Such a mixer may transport a portion of the solids a short distance in both directions along the shaft’s axis, while also lifting a portion of the solids from top to bottom, thus allowing the mixture to slide down a repose angle. The result is a mixer that does a thorough and fast blending / mixing job in the vertical plane, but is slow when mixing end to end. 
   Rotor-Stator       Rotor-stators are single-shaft mixers with an impeller rotating in close proximity to a stationary housing. They are used to rapidly break apart solid particles in a liquid, and for emulsification. The impeller or rotor mechanically imparts high shear forces to the ingredients. Clumps of particles are also broken apart by the hydraulic shearing forces generated as particles are ejected through openings in the stator into the rest of the batch. Rotor-stators are particularly effective at chopping coarse particles such as rubber or flake resin. The stator directs the flow and confines the particles. The rotor imparts shear. 
   Single Rotor       Single-rotor devices consist of one shaft with either paddles or screws encased in a cylindrical shell. There are various types of products available. Shaft speeds range from moderately low to relatively high. 
   Twin Rotor       Twin-rotor devices consist of two shafts with either paddles or screws encased in a cylindrical shell. There are various types of products available. Shaft speeds ranging from moderately low to relatively high. 
   Static       Static mixers or motionless mixers are fins, obstructions, or channels mounted in pipes. They are designed to promote mixing as fluid flows through the device. Most static mixers use some method of first dividing the flow, then rotating, channeling, or diverting the flow, before recombining it. Other static mixers create additional turbulence to enhance mixing. The power input to the mixing process is a result of pressure loss through the mixer. 
   Turbine       Turbine mixers consist of a circular trough with housing in the center, around which revolves a spider or a series of legs with plow shares or mold boards on each leg. Turbine mixers are also known as plow mixers. 
   Vertical Turbine       Vertical turbine mixers include a wide range of general-purpose mixing equipment. Devices operate at reduced speeds provided by an enclosed gear drive, with one or more multi-bladed impellers mounted on an overhung shaft. Vertical turbine mixers can be used on open tanks, when supported by a beam structure, or on closed tanks with a variety of seal and support arrangements. Most turbine mixers are mounted at the center of the top of a vertical, cylindrical tank and used to mix low to medium viscosity liquids, slurries, dispersions, or other fluids. Because of the general-purpose capabilities of turbine mixers, at times they may be used on almost any shape tank, of any size, with other drives or special impellers, for high-viscosity fluids, and almost any mixing application. 
   Ultrasonic / Vibrational       Ultrasonic mixers or vibrational mixers apply ultrasonic waves to a mixed medium to produce a steep gradient of acoustical pressure which moves the fluid and provides a very fine level of mixing action. 
   Muller       There are several types of mullers, each of which has a turret. With countercurrent devices, the pan and muller rotate in opposite directions. Rotating pan devices have a stationary muller turret. 
   Rotary Drum / Tumbler       There are many types of tumbler and drum mixers. Examples include double-cone tumblers, twin-shell tumblers, rotary drums and horizontal drums. 
   Other Mixer Type       Other unlisted, specialized or proprietary mixers, homogenizers, and blenders. 
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   Operating Condition       
   Your choices are...         
   Batch Operation       Batch mixing is the simplest mode of operation. The mixer is filled with a medium and mixing is allowed to proceed. When the mixing has finished, the contents are emptied for downstream processing. The mixer is then cleaned and refilled, and mixing begins again. 
   Continuous Feed       With continuous-feed mixers, the sample being mixed is continuously added and mixed fluid is continuously removed. The mixer can be run for long periods of time without being shut down. 
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   Your choices are...         
   Portable       Portable mixers are smaller mixers (5 hp or less), some of which are portable enough to be moved from tank to tank. Truly portable mixers are normally clamped at an angle to the top edge of the tank or an adjacent support. 
   Benchtop       The homogenizer is a permanent, benchtop instrument. 
   Stand Mounted       The homogenizer is mounted on a stand, and may be removed for manual use. 
   Overhead       Overhead mixers are mounted above the mix tank and inserted into the fluid. The vertical position can be adjusted to accommodate the quantity of fluid and fluid viscosity.  
   Floor-Mounted       Floor-mounted mixers and homogenizers are large-scale systems that are permanently installed as part of a manufacturing process. 
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   Mixer / Homogenizer Location       
   Your choices are...         
   In-Line       The mixer is mounted on the process line for in line mixing capabilities. 
   Top Entry       The mixer is mounted through an entry port at the top of the process material tank. 
   Side Entry       Side entry mixers are normally mounted through a nozzle on the side of the tank or chest. Normally, the nozzle is near the bottom of the tank so that mixing is possible at reduced liquid levels during filling or emptying. 
   Bottom Entry       The mixer is mounted through an entry port at the bottom of the process material tank. 
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Mix Rate / Motor Speed
   Motor Speed       Motor speed is the speed range of the mixer. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Motor Power       Motor power is the power range of the motor. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
   Mix Speed       
   Your choices are...         
   Variable Speed       The mixer is capable of variable speeds. 
   Continuous Speed       The mixer is capable of continuous speeds. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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Operating Temperature
   Operating Temperature       This is the full required range of ambient operating temperature. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Operating Pressure
   Pressure Range       This is the pressure range inside the homogenizer. 
   Search Logic:      User may specify either, both, or neither of the "At Least" and "No More Than" values. Products returned as matches will meet all specified criteria.
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Application / Industry Use
   Application / Industry Use:       
   Your choices are...         
   Adhesives Processing       Products are rated for use in adhesives processing applications. 
   Agricultural Products       Products are used in agriculture, including: fertilizers, pesticides, animal feed, and health products. 
   Chemical Processing       Products are rated for use with chemicals. This category includes products rated for general chemical heating, as well as products designed for corrosive chemicals such as acids and solvents. 
   Construction Material Processing       Products are designed for use in the mixing of construction materials such as concrete and asphalt. 
   Cosmetics Processing       Products are designed for use in cosmetics processing. 
   Food and Beverage Processing       Products are designed and rated for use with food or beverage processing applications, specifically in the food, dairy and brewing industries. 
   Ore / Mineral Processing       Products are designed for ore and mineral processing. 
   Paint / Coating Processing       Products are rated for use in the processing of paints and coatings. 
   Paper and Pulp Processing       Products are rated for use in paper and pulp processing applications. 
   Plastic / Rubber Processing       Products are designed for use in rubber and plastic processing applications. 
   Pharmaceutical Processing       Products are rated for use in pharmaceutical processing applications. 
   Sanitary Processing       The mixer is sanitary and adheres to strict regulations for sanitary processing applications. 
   Water / Wastewater Treatment       The mixer can be used for water or wastewater treatment applications, including carbon slurry mixing, lime slurry mixing, and other methods. 
   Other Applications / Industry       Other unlisted or specialized application. 
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Optional Features / Capabilities
   Additional Features       
   Your choices are...         
   Cooling       The mixer has an internal cooling element. 
   Heating       The mixer has an internal heating element. 
   Mag Drive       A magnetic mixer is ideally suited for continuous stirred reactors (CSTR), and batch reactors where mixing and agitation must be contamination-free and leakage cannot be tolerated.  The magnetic drive eliminates seals, and also the problems associated with rotating seals, such as leakage, contamination, and constant maintenance. 
   Lined or Coated       The interior surface of the mixer is lined or coated to provide a non-stick, chemically resistant interior, especially desirable for acidic processes, high-purity chemicals, pharmaceuticals, certain polymers and other multi-use applications. 
   Timer       The mixer has a timer for timed runs. 
   Programmable       Products are programmable or adjustable to provide for different ranges, materials, levels, outputs, etc. 
   Explosion Proof       The mixer has an explosion-proof housing or intrinsically-safe wiring to prevent an explosion during use. 
   Interchangeable Rotors       The homogenizer uses interchangeable rotors to accommodate different types of samples. 
   Disposable Rotor       The rotor can be thrown away after one or multiple uses. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Additional Capabilities:      The mixer has additional capabilities which include:
   Your choices are...         
   Agglomerating       Agglomerating is combining of small constituents through mixing that form larger masses or clusters of material. 
   Extruder Feed       The mixer has an integral extruder screw to mix and then extrude the contents. 
   Coating       The mixer has additional capabilities to coat the constituents being mixed.  Coatings may add lubricity, prevent dusting or impart other properties. 
   Drying       The mixer has additional capabilities to dry the product. 
   Milling       The mixer has additional capabilities to mill the product. 
   Granulating       The mixer has additional capabilities to granulate the product. 
   Other Additional Capabilities       Other unlisted, specialized or proprietary capabilities. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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User Interface Options
   Display Type:       
   Your choices are...         
   Analog Meter       The unit has an analog display such as a dial or indicator lights. 
   Digital Numerical Display       The unit has a digital, numerical display.  
   Video Display       The unit uses a cathode ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), or other multi-line display. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
   Local Interface:       
   Your choices are...         
   Analog Front Panel       The front panel has analog user inputs such as potentiometers, dials, and switches for the adjustment of outputs, ranges, etc. 
   Digital Front Panel       The front panel uses digital keypads or menus for programming. 
   Search Logic:      All products with ANY of the selected attributes will be returned as matches. Leaving all boxes unchecked will not limit the search criteria for this question; products with all attribute options will be returned as matches.
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